Monday, December 29, 2008

american idol ramiele malubay's random visit

One random Sunday evening, she dropped by to inquire at The Picture Company MOA. It was a starstruck moment considering that I've been an American Idol viewer since its third season.Haha Nakakatawang experience. Crazy. Sabi ilabas ko daw yung SLR. Nilabas ko naman nanginginig pa.Hahaha

If you're not familiar with her, she's one of last season's AI contestant (with David Archuleta and David Cook as her batchmates). Eliminaed ata sya nung asa top9. :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

stuck on moving on

i had myself believe again in loving or reciprocity like 7 months ago but it was a terrible decision i guess. everybody's like stepping into the bandwagon of having themselves find a new person to share their time with and i am stupid enough to classify my own version of love as an obsession.

this should be written some three months back from now so this entry should be posted last september but i just don't find time to gather everything into a coherent blog entry.

i hate it when somebody's not courageous enough to tell something that he/she'd like to say; whether that word or whatever action could hurt the feelings of that person who's recipient (i cant think of word to use so i used recipient instead) of that rejection or whatever. i hate it when people say that things are better kept unsaid but it should be part of this reality that a person can't improve himself/herself unless he/she is advised on what areas to work on. it can be synonymous or analogous to a person who's on a job search that unless he/she is given an instruction that if he/she haven't receive any call from that employer within a span of one week let's say, then that application is assumed to be unsuccesful.

anybody who's capable of loving is also capable of hurting somebody. anybody who's willing to enter into a relationship should also be opening himself/herself into the possibilities of heartbreak and/or. i am not telling this because i can fall on either any of these two categories but...(things should end up with ifs and buts).

four months have passed but i'm still not courageous enough to move on. i am still this stupid who's expecting a text message for an invite. still expecting for a third time to rework on some things that have not actually ended. wishing that green archer could be flexible enough to be a cupid.